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Stellethee University Graduate School

X Contact: @bobsrants

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Completing your Stellethee Undergrad

Learn about The Stellethee University in more detail with the Official Introduction from Our Professor of (Mostly) Cohesive Storytelling, Bob B. Db.D, at bobasyourguide.org.

When Looking For Additional Information about "Thee Foundation" which Funds The University, Please Consult Kindle Books 1-3 of The Stellethee University Series.

Location: Epharta, Pennsylvania*

Completing your Stellethee Db.D.

The Db.D. is the "Dump bin Doctorate." Please see how this compares to the Ph.D.

Our Db.D. graduate school program was introduced in 2003. It began as an offshot of when our students who had finished their regular four-year studies kept sitting around our computer labs and classrooms eating Pizza and Chinese Food.

The main graduate who purchased the meals had made a whole bundle of money working with Internet companies in the 1990s, and as we say not-jokingly, "he even work with some of those companies," ... but that's another story altogether.

The Provost needed to put these alumni to work, so he made them create what became the Db.D. program. Their compensation was merchandise and gift cards.

The Provost of The Stellethee University also consulted with industry experts on formulating the design of the first specific doctorate program.

But yeah, we do still issue merch, just not degrees! The doctorate side is just part of being suspiciously fictitous.

Your Studies and Your Disc-Sertation

Right now, The University is scheduled to start releasing portions of "The Disc-Sertation" program when the University Tours (aka people learned about us) has totaled at least 15,000 X followers on StelletheeU

The pre-cards will be issued through Dr. Bob's Department (his area is known as @bobsrants.) He'll always joking you tell you, "Alrighty, who moved my disc-sertation?"

Photo Cover for The Stellethee Security Group

(One of many things we'll be covering when we're over 15k and have a bunch of prospectives interested in AI.)

Anyway, head back to the undergrad Stellethee University. Don't worry, it's all in Historic Epharta, PA.*

*this is a digital paper town

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