Club Vegas and SwagBucks - Verification Maximum Award Works

Follow @stelletheeU

I am a SwagBucks referring member and player of Club Vegas. I learned about Club Vegas through SwagBucks. I wanted to verify that the app, correctly downloaded from SwagBucks, can generate 10,700 SwagBucks.

SwagBucks is the primary source of funding for the Stellethee alternate reality game projects. So, it'd be super awesome if you try out the Club Vegas App and play some games with the free start coins. It's definitely helpful for the project.


I'm not going to discuss the validity of how much time it takes, if you want to hit level 201, besides a lot. Nor if it's worth sticking to free coins or adding coins from USD$. The coins have no value besides being playable. So you can't convert them to cash. Club Vegas is not an online casino that wins cash, or prizes. It's just fun.

Also, I'm going to note that a lot of SwagBucks users only download apps to get SwagBucks. This is an engaging app and probably not a good fit for someone who is going to just stop using it once awarded SwagBucks. There's a bit of social in it, you can add friends, give friends coins, and "Like" their wins. Greet them. It's awesome for someone who might be isolated socially.

All that said, the verification and notes:

Next Stop for SwagBucks: 4,500 SwagBucks for New Farmville 3 installs reaching goal level. Click for details. (Read that I verified it's reachable.)